2025/02/07 12:41 UTC Update

Cancellations Bot · 12:41 Friday, 7 February 2025

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New Cancellations

Event Country Date Cancellation Note
Bowen parkrun Australia 2025-02-08 Weather
Cloncurry parkrun Australia 2025-02-08 Weather
Hondajima parkrun Japan 2025-02-08 Course unsafe or blocked
Mount Isa parkrun Australia 2025-02-08 Course unsafe or blocked
Nagaragawa koen parkrun Japan 2025-02-08 Weather
Nathan Road Sports Ground parkrun Australia 2025-02-08 Shortage of volunteers
North Shore parkrun Australia 2025-02-08 Weather
Sunshine Beach parkrun Japan 2025-02-08 温度が氷点下以下で、凍結で危険なため
The Ponds parkrun Australia 2025-02-08 Course unsafe or blocked
Whitley Bay parkrun United Kingdom 2025-02-08 Course unsafe or blocked
Wolford Wood parkrun United Kingdom 2025-02-08 Course needs work to bring back to good condition
Hereford Leisure Centre junior parkrun United Kingdom 2025-02-09 Shortage of volunteers

Category:  Cancellation Update

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