2025/01/08 18:24 UTC Update

Cancellations Bot ยท 18:24 Wednesday, 8 January 2025

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New Cancellations

Event Country Date Cancellation Note
Barnsley parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Weather
Bowling Park parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Park being used for sledging and building snowmen
Cliffe Castle parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Weather
Clonmel parkrun Ireland 2025-01-11 Flood barriers up preventing access to course
Horton Park parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Weather
Keppel parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Shortage of volunteers
Millhouses parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Black Ice only suitable for Penguins
Telford parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Icy course and poor weather conditions
Temple Newsam parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Weather
Vogrie parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Risk of polar bears on the course due to ice.
Watergrove parkrun, Rochdale United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Snow and ice on the course
Worcester Pitchcroft parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-11 Course flooded
Dewsbury junior parkrun United Kingdom 2025-01-12 The park would be better suited to polar bears!

Category:  Cancellation Update

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